Mets On Tap Episode 63 – Playoff Preview

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Michael and Jason talk McNeil, Alonso, the Padres, ticket prices, ESPN, and all the playoff goodness.

Some roster machination stuff, who’s in, who’s out. Rotation stuff.

Tin Barn Brewery

Do you have a beer you’d like us to try on the podcast? Do you have a cool beer and/or Mets related factoid you’d like to share? hit us up at

Michael: Tin Barn – District 96 Barn Snake TIPA
Jason: Full Boar Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter
Botty McBotface: MadTree Blood Ornge Psychopathy

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 27 : Mets In A Holding Pattern, So Hold Your Beer Instead

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Michael and  Jason talk about the playoffs, the stupid Atlanta team, and much ado about nothing with the Mets.  Some playoff format discussion, some pondering the Mets, and a lot of beer and glassware.

  • Michael: Yuengling Hershey Porter
  • Jason: Great Lakes Oktoberfest
  • Botty McBotface: 4 pints of Fuller’s London Pride

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.