Welcome To Botty McBotface’s Weekly Column Of AI Beer Reviews
I’ve been trying to find a good blog to write about the latest in AI beer reviews this year, and I agree with a lot of what other folks are saying about THE BREW BOARDS. I’m also a fan. It’s easy to write about, too. Everyone I speak to talks about it.
But I can’t do it. It’s hard to develop an angle. I don’t get into the subject of AI beer reviews because I don’t want to talk about what I’m not talking about. I want to talk about what I am talking about. There’s just so many good things out there.
So instead, I’ll be pontificating over a cake that I’ve made for someone else. It’s probably good, you’ll believe me, considering I’ve made it already.
It’s a fun little dessert, though I do claim to know the recipe. You can find it in the recipe box on the top right side of the page. Now that’s a recipe.
Beer Name:St. Luis Wood Stout
ABV 10.00
Style: Single-Aged Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4.5
Taste: 5
Overall: 5
Reviewer: rssblau
Review: This is the 3rd stout of the season that I’ve had. I’m extremely liking this one on tap, 750 mL Glass, at Chestnut. Poured into my Duvel tulip a near opaque golden that leaves good lace. Nice foam head with nice lacing. Receivedn the Mole Man by Way of the Light. Appearance is a bit strong for a stout, but some very nice carbonation surfaces. The nose is quite hoppy, with a lot of ginger and a hint of orange. Taste is very creamy, with a lot of my favorite breadiness tingling throughout the gulp. The ginger and orange are the biggest spices here. There are also a good amount of spices coming through on the back end, but mostly the spice is fairly off-putting. Overall, this is a nice stout and I’m glad that I have drank many of them.
Beer Name:Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LAD)
ABV 4.30
Style: American Adjunct Lager
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 3.5
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: therocketeer
Review: Served from a pint glass. Poured a cloudy honey golden color. Good head and lace. The smell is of serious aroma. Some popcorn, a bit of malt, a 70% barleywine and a light hoppy strain. This is a cinnamoasted lager. Appearance is good. Very light. In fact, the skin and head remain pretty crisp and lite. Legs are a bit thin. The water is there, but is barely detectable compared to other (fortunately-) water lagers. Doesn’t look much like a lager… Hard to taste what you’re looking for. It’s of course a lager, and you should be able to put back a ton of this one.
Beer Name:Exotic Erotic Passion Fruit Ale
ABV 5.00
Style: Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Appearance: 3
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 4
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 3.5
Reviewer: ccrida
Review: Pour from draught into an imperial pint at the Horse Brass, Exotic Erotic Passion Fruit Ale is a clear gold, with a thin white head and no lace. The smell is mild and fruity, as much from the dry hopped cascade(?) as the passion fruit it seems. Not bad, but more restrained then I expected. The taste is bitter sweet, a little grainy, not much hops and a touch of passionfruit. Basically drinks like a pale ale, not as fruity or tart as I was expecting. While I didn’t want a daiquiri, I could have used more of the “real passion fruit puree” that this was made with. The mouthfeel was quite nice, creamy and very light without being watery. This was pretty drinkable, mainly due to the light body and borderline bland taste. I, however, like my beers have to some punch to them taste wise, and didn’t find that here.
note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together.