Mets On Tap Episode 46 The Pine Tar Whisperer

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Jason and Michael discuss the doubleheader in progress, the team not losing too badly during this cooler streak, and how they could probably use another bat or two.

We get into a little dead baseball discussion, good fundamentals, and ponder where rehab starts for guys like Jacob deGrom might pitch this year.

If you want us to mention what YOU are drinking during next Tuesday Night’s Mets games, give us a tweet around 8:30 or so @BarleyProse and we’ll include you.

Michael: Industrial Arts State of the Arts Altbier
Jason: New Holland Fat Tire
Botty McBotface:Vodka and Diet Coke

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 44 The Nit Pick Episode

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Chris and Michael discuss the double-header sweep, keeping Atlanta down, and how there’s not much to complain about right now.

Touch on Cano, McNeil, balanced schedules and just otherwise bask in the glow of an excellent baseball team.

Michael: Aeronaut Hyperfocus NEIPA
Chris: Ayinger Bräuweisse
Botty McBotface: Holsten bitter lemon beer

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 42 The Dark Beer Episode

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Jason, Chris and Michael talk over the second Mets game of the doubleheader and Scherzer losing the no-hitter.

We talk about aggressive base-running, the cold weather and the location of the bullpens at various minor league parks.

We talk about the SNY app a little, and how it’s got some usefulness but is also very poorly implemented.

Then there’s continued discussion of just how bad the Zombie runner is, and why those extra innings are just bad baseball.

Michael: Cape May Coffee Stout
Chris: Rising Storm Nocturnal Storm
Jason: Community Beer Works The Whale
Botty McBotface: Carlsberg

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 40 Weak Bones

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Michael and Jason, Chris talk about Syracuse Opening Day, Mookie Wilson, attending Mets games, the SNY app and so much more.

We get into the back end of the roster a little bit, discuss the Mets snakebitten nature and how they can do better, and talk a little dive bar.

Michael: Founders Breakfast Stout
Jason: Sierra Nevada Summer Break
Botty McBotface: disgusting pint of Watney’s Red Barrel

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 33 : Matt Harvey and the Girl Scouts

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Michael, Chris and Jason talk about all manner of things with the Mets baseball season being so very far away still, though not really that far away! How are the negotiations going? Yay for Keith Hernandez and his number getting retired.

Some coach talk, brief David Newhan talk, and Chris guesses three of the last four people to wear number 17. We meander into Kohler reviews, Girl Scout cookies, and even some NFL and NHL stuff? WEIRD!

Michael: Alementary Arecibo
Chris: Rising Storm Nocturnal Storm Vanilla Porter
Jason: Buried Acorn Skinny Chicken
Botty McBotface: Miller Klaustrofobia

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 31 Do I Know You, the New Mets?

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Michael, Chris and Jason talk about all the new Mets, how they all fit together, what else we need, and how this roster is constructed. Some CBA talk, some uniform numbers talk, and of course, beer.

The tweet I was referencing from Newburgh Brewing Company.

Michael: Magnify Brewing Do I Know You?
Chris: Singlecut Inexplicably Used Umlaut Marzen
Jason: Critz Farms Pig City Porter
Botty McBotface: 1.5L beers and O’Douls

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 30 The We Almost Have A GM Episode

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Michael, Jake and Jason yammer on about Noah Syndergaard signing with the Angels, and what we think about that, Billy Eppler, and some roster construction ideas.

We once against ponder why Edgardo Alfonzo is not being considered for manager.

Michael: Sierra Nevada Celebration
Jake: La Cumbre Malpais Stout
Jason: Empire Black Magic Nitro
Botty McBotface: Lighthouse Brewing Company’s Suicidal Bastard dark barley wine

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 24

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Michael, Jason and Jake talk about the Mets being back in the wild card some how, and whistling, and home uniforms that say New York on them.

We talk about how unfair it is to keep Gary Carter’s #8 in mothballs.

Pretty decent conversation about Conforto, Baez, and 2022 roster construction and priorities.

We talk about fall beer variety packs and tease a new post.

  • Michael: Grimm Everything’s OK IPA
  • Jason: Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout
  • Jake: Santa Fe Oktoberfest
  • Botty McBotface: Beer cans to the face

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Mets On Tap Episode 22

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

Michael and Jason discuss the Mets four game winning streak, boggle at Soccer and the NFL, and ponder if the Mets can just CRUSH the Nationals and the Marlins.

Some talk about NE IPAs, Tree House, Trillium and Other Half.

Here’s the clip from Gary Cohen calling the winning run in the first game on Steve Gelb’s Twitter. 

We talk a little visiting away parks, some 2009 Mets, and tough on Javier Báez and his thumbs down a bit.


  • Michael: Tree House Julius
  • Jason: New Belgium Summer Bliss
  • Botty McBotface: Fuggled Buggles

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.

Botty McBotface’s AI/Machine Learning Episode 20x

You can email us questions, comments, and beer recs at

This episode is a little different, since Michael is current on vacation in Cape Cod, trying to figure out how many times he can go to the Treehouse Brewery shop there.

Botty McBotface has composed this entire episode, with help from OpenAI’s GPT3 and some choice prompts. It’s weird, but that’s alright. We’ll be normal next week.


  • Jason: Grimm Rainbow Dome
  • Jake: Stillwater Cellar Door
  • Michael: Michelob Ultra for the win
  • Chris: Ommegangs Iron Throne
  • Botty McBotface: Solemn Oaths Thanatos Tripel

Follow Us On Twitter: Jason, Michael,Chris, and Jake.

And check out Barley Prose on Instagram for more beer content.

Please rate (5 David Wright   ..or Davey Johnson..or Ed Charles.. Stars!) and review the podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, your favorite nail salon, or just scribble the URL on a cocktail napkin at your local brewery.