Beer Review:  Kiwi Cream Ale I mixed the Kiwi Cream Ale with Sierra Nevada

This my weekly column of beer reviews. In each post I’ll be reviewing one (or more) of the beers from each brewery that I’ll be visiting in my upcoming trip. A quick look at the full list of breweries here. Also, I will be doing a preview of each of the beers on a different day in the future. That will be posted on the first day of each week’s column. I’ll link to the reviews here, but you can also use the Twitter hashtag for those events.
Beer Reviews
This week’s review is from Stone Brewing Co. of Escondido, CA. I went there for their Halloween release which was a 12.1% ABV Imperial Pumpkin Ale.


Beer Name:Pater Neill
ABV 12.00
Style: American Oatmeal Stout
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4.5
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: Domingo
Review: 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass

Appearance: Clear brown with reddish highlights and a half inch of foam. urban. Looks like a really well done swimsuit.

Smells like sweet caramel, toast, bread, and a little bit of sour.

Taste: Great taste! Thick, sweet caramel covered with good sourdough and bread. The sourness comes out very well in the middle of the taste and the end is very sweet and not like caramel. There is nice bitterness in there as well.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied. Quite smooth, caramel, wheat, and some alcohol warmth.

Drinkability: Heavy, but worth a try when you like the saison and expect some depth.


Beer Name:Lambicchio
ABV 5.00
Style: Lambic – Fruit
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: ajwolf
Review: 1. 125ml bottle.

A: Poured a 2 finger foam head. Head stayed around for twelve months.

S: Luscious aromas of spices, dry alcohol and bread.

T: Rich, sweet overtones. Shadow of a tar that you could taste.

M: Thick in the mouth.

Drinkability: I think this is a fairly good lambic. I would drink this on a reasonable night, but not in the smell or flavors where I’ve never noticed the spicing. This is a bit of a good beer. I would love to have some more in my fridge.


Beer Name:Octavia
ABV 12.00
Style: American Strong Bitter
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 4
Palate: 3.5
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 3.5
Reviewer: Lfanthalo
Review: Sold at Twin Lakes in addition to sampling at Jasmina in St. Louis.

Appearance: Pours a cloudy amber with a nice ring around its edges and a decent head that fades to nothing.

Smell: It’s got a nice aroma of dark fruits, caramel, molasses, and a reatpment of sour cherries.

Flavor: It’s got a nice sweet taste too with a fair amount of caramel sweetness to the finish, along with a hint of construction.

Mouthfeel: Light body with some spiciness to it.

Drinkability: It’s tasted alright, it’s nice and I’d recommend it to at least try it if you haven’t.


note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together.