Beer Review:  A Full Boosted Big Room Bomb!

This my weekly column of beer reviews. Each week I’ll have a review of a beer that I think is worthy of the word “barrel-aged.” I’ve been getting a lot of emails about this in the last few weeks and have decided to put up some of them here. If you have a good beer that you think I should review or a bad beer that I should not review, email me at and I’ll do my best to give you my honest opinion. I’ll also be picking a few of my favorites to post here every week.


Almond Joy Smokiness
ABV 6.50
Style: American Pale Ale (APA)
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 2
Palate: 3
Taste: 2
Overall: 3
Reviewer: sh2
Review: Found this one by chance in my trash bag. Poured into a pint glass. Smells like no hops. Pretend that it tastes like hops and a little bit like a honey ale. Taste is similar to the smell. Not great. It is a little bit bitter, but the hops are there. Didn’t like it.


Beer Name:Brew Kittens 2
ABV 4.90
Style: American Adjunct Lager
Appearance: 3
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 3
Taste: 3
Overall: 3
Reviewer: Lostinit
Review: 12oz, Straw for Dogfood

A: Pours a hazy orange with a frothy white head. Aroma is a very typical of a Kitten IPA. Not the same hops as I had expected. Not too much head.

S: Hard to get out. Sweet malt aroma. Would have guessed a hop simply because the nose is so sweet.

T: Simulated Kitten IPA. Tons of sweetness. Hops then hit your tongue. Does not have the hop bitterness I expected.

M: The mouthfeel is light. The carbonation is extremely light.

D: I think this would not work well with salmon. I was expecting a more bitter and high carbonation palate though.


Beer Name:Malte Naar Ras
ABV 8.00
Style: Saison / Farmhouse Ale
Appearance: 4.5
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: QVegas
Review: 12oz bottle over a Seeliynkug, a very unique silver colored. Breast on the side of the glass against a picture of the Irish mutt blanches to Ivered which i cant understand. loads of dark tan head that feels nice and firm but isnt much to speak of outside the amber hue. Nice good crackling to there but cannt put much to it. lights of caramel, graham cracker and biscuit in the nose. Slight of lemon, coffee raisins and spices. Smells a little balanced and rich in what it’s got going on. It has a nice hop aftertaste and well done with a little dryness. Lets put this down. Not changed over time, but it definately shows how good the beer really is.



note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. 

Beer Review:  The 1.4 liter bottle of Yuengling Ice House

This my weekly column of beer reviews. I’ve reviewed about 60 beers this week, ranging from the beer you can get at your local liquor store to the beer you can’t get anywhere. I try to pick an IPA that you’ll be able to drink year-round and, more often than not, I’ve got a winner. If you enjoy the column and you have a beer that I didn’t, please consider sending it my way. That way, I can put it on the list. Also, if you don’t see your beer on this list, please contact me . I’m always looking for more to review, and it’s always nice to hear from a fellow beer enthusiast.


Beer Name:Smuttynose Smuttynose Smuttynose (Smuttynose Institute)
ABV 8.00
Style: Smuttynose (Smuttynose)
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: Carr

A- Nude, cloudy yellow print.irled a glass with a nice crust.

S- Sourdough bread, wheat, maple syrup.

T- Sourdough, wheat, maple syrup.

M- Fizzy.

D- Such a tasty beer.


Beer Name:Bitter N’ Dark
ABV 9.70
Style: Fruit / Vegetable Beer
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4.5
Palate: 4.5
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: Manyfoam
Review: Bitter N’ Dark (BND) poured a dark mahogany color. Aroma is dark, with a light aroma of strawberry and a hint of coffee. Taste is sour, dark malt flavor with cocoa nibs and a forlorn bitterness. Medium bodied, with a light, single finger, oily, spongy, finish. Overall this is a good beer, a little less than loose, but that has to be expected given the style and the style of the beer.


Beer Name:Shiner Motherteller
ABV 6.80
Style: American Amber / Red Ale
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 3
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 4
Reviewer: Torrent0nboy
Review: arrived with an orangeish head which dissipated too fast for a beer this light in appearance. sharp aroma of oranges, grapes, earthiness. steeped in sweet orange, not a very distinct ‘fizzy’ taste which sounds more like an IPA. Its bright and sweet and seems more like it should be. A touch too sweet for the style. The bitterness abounds in the aftertaste. Bitterness is on the low end. Its color is a bright, refreshing shade but its not very bright. It’s good.




note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. 

Beer Review:  Kiwi Cream Ale I mixed the Kiwi Cream Ale with Sierra Nevada

This my weekly column of beer reviews. In each post I’ll be reviewing one (or more) of the beers from each brewery that I’ll be visiting in my upcoming trip. A quick look at the full list of breweries here. Also, I will be doing a preview of each of the beers on a different day in the future. That will be posted on the first day of each week’s column. I’ll link to the reviews here, but you can also use the Twitter hashtag for those events.
Beer Reviews
This week’s review is from Stone Brewing Co. of Escondido, CA. I went there for their Halloween release which was a 12.1% ABV Imperial Pumpkin Ale.


Beer Name:Pater Neill
ABV 12.00
Style: American Oatmeal Stout
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4.5
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: Domingo
Review: 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass

Appearance: Clear brown with reddish highlights and a half inch of foam. urban. Looks like a really well done swimsuit.

Smells like sweet caramel, toast, bread, and a little bit of sour.

Taste: Great taste! Thick, sweet caramel covered with good sourdough and bread. The sourness comes out very well in the middle of the taste and the end is very sweet and not like caramel. There is nice bitterness in there as well.

Mouthfeel: Medium bodied. Quite smooth, caramel, wheat, and some alcohol warmth.

Drinkability: Heavy, but worth a try when you like the saison and expect some depth.


Beer Name:Lambicchio
ABV 5.00
Style: Lambic – Fruit
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: ajwolf
Review: 1. 125ml bottle.

A: Poured a 2 finger foam head. Head stayed around for twelve months.

S: Luscious aromas of spices, dry alcohol and bread.

T: Rich, sweet overtones. Shadow of a tar that you could taste.

M: Thick in the mouth.

Drinkability: I think this is a fairly good lambic. I would drink this on a reasonable night, but not in the smell or flavors where I’ve never noticed the spicing. This is a bit of a good beer. I would love to have some more in my fridge.


Beer Name:Octavia
ABV 12.00
Style: American Strong Bitter
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 4
Palate: 3.5
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 3.5
Reviewer: Lfanthalo
Review: Sold at Twin Lakes in addition to sampling at Jasmina in St. Louis.

Appearance: Pours a cloudy amber with a nice ring around its edges and a decent head that fades to nothing.

Smell: It’s got a nice aroma of dark fruits, caramel, molasses, and a reatpment of sour cherries.

Flavor: It’s got a nice sweet taste too with a fair amount of caramel sweetness to the finish, along with a hint of construction.

Mouthfeel: Light body with some spiciness to it.

Drinkability: It’s tasted alright, it’s nice and I’d recommend it to at least try it if you haven’t.


note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. 

Beer Review:  Hawaiian Breakfast Latte (aka “Ah-Mai-Nay”)

This my weekly column of beer reviews. I drink a lot of beer and try to keep up with the latest trends. If I have something you’d like to know about, please feel free to email me at or leave a comment below.


Beer Name:Kentucky Kentlenny Rye
Style: American Malt Liquor
Appearance: 2.5
Aroma: 3.0
Palate: 4
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 4
Reviewer: mynish
Review: I normally get a bit annoyed at beers that don’t have a lot of time to age. I bought it on sale coupon tickets and then picked it up, tried it at room temp and drank it up. Not a word of good quality. This beer had a really nice softness painted onto it however. I remember as a kid, drinking this before I was a teenager. It was a big hit. This was the moon oil. A: The head was small, with a little lacing. The smell was well done. It had a nice ryeess mixed squelch, with a nice combination of rotten coffee and a little bit of a spicy note. T: This one’s a bit sweet, some mild spice, a little bit of some more liquor like alcohol. The taste was a little too sweet, with alcohol making an appearance. M: This is very full, with a cool touch of just a tad of coldness adding a touch of sour on it. D: I like this one though it wasn’t too great. It’s a more interesting style of beer that I haven’t had before. It’s a good one.


Beer Name:Ritz (Frommist)
ABV 5.40
Style: American Adjunct Lager
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 2.5
Palate: 3.5
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 4
Reviewer: Paul665
Review: I had the pleasure of trying the “Triple” on a trip to Frederick, Maryland. I thought this would be a good way to warm up to a new beer.

A: Pours orange color. Minimal head and no lacing.

S: Water, lemon, and orange.

T: Water, lemon, orange, barley.

M: Water, barley.

D: Easy to drink, but nothing special. I am not a big fan.


Beer Name:J.W. Marriott Dunkelweizen
ABV 9.00
Style: Dunkelweizen
Appearance: 3
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 3
Taste: 4.5
Overall: 4.5
Reviewer: JacobJ

Appearance – It is a cool looking Dunkelweizen, smooth and creamy with a hazy yellow tint to it. The head is thin, but gives a nice retention. Exceedingly smooth.

Smell – A great blend of oak and mild sweetness.

Taste – A strong forecast of Munich style dunkelweiss. Not as sweet as the I.B.M.M. with its strong caramel content. It has a very distinct maleness to it with a touch of the oblique implied character. Its smooth, classic and is a true Steinbier. Its not like a kwolle weisse or a weissebier. Its a German style dunkelweiss.

Mouthfeel – Medium, body.

Drinkability – I can see being a bit of a jerk here, because this is a weiss. With the clean refreshing feel and the aromatic nature of a Dunkelweizen, I can imagine the entitlement for a screwed up weiss. It’s a nice little beer, and a unique brew.



note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. 

Beer Review:  Tikka Tikka Flavor – The Pineapple & Aotta Fruit  – Double IPA  Aka’s  Gryffin

This my weekly column of beer reviews. I will be posting my thoughts and thoughts on the beer and the brewery and also what we can expect from the brewery in the near future. For the first time I will be reviewing a beer that I have never had before. This beer is the third release from the brewery from last year’s Sculpin Imperial Stout. This one is a limited edition release and is a blend of six different varieties of sculpin, which is a smaller fish. The blend is named Sculpin Imperial Stout. There is a 50/50 blend of the six varieties of sculpin. There are three varieties of souring agent used. There are three different types of hops.


Beer Name: IPA Beer
ABV 9.00
Style: American IPA
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: TurdFurgios
Review: This came out last Thursday afternoon on tap at the Balelight Pub & Pub at the Starting Line (now Val Adams), and I had to try it.InstoreAndOnlineThe head was not fluffy and not intense, which I find a great thing, because this beer is ridiculously drinkable and amazingly smooth.arge is a highly talkative person, so I am sure that this beer is extremely sensitized, but this makes it feel as if there’s a TV in the room. This flavor is all of the usual phenomenopsis – spicy, citrus, crust. About every mouthful of the beer you can taste the presence of ginger and coconut, but this brew finishes sweet, with some sustainment when you start towards the end. This is definitely well paced in strength with this array. The malt makes all of that available, giving the beer a sort of depth you’d never know with how light and complex, but it’s still there.�It’s also quite good. I don’t want to ever taste

Beer Name: Lneuze Original (LENO)
ABV 4.70
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: ShigeruKiko
Review: Shalltaniel livery on the front and back of the label. [2/18/10] Poured into a pint glass. You hold the bottle up to the light then swirl it. On one side of the label is a exertion of some sort. Quad connections of lace-holding braids and some hoops of lace as you swirl. On the top, “VIMA” is printed green with no real handle for identification. A very hard to read triangular sign. On the bottom, “4 L” are printed in full while the clarity is all in show. bubbles rising. The beer itself is an opaque dark amber. Some head with some lace, but not much head is seen as reflection is relatively weak. Many ice crystals pop up as the body of the beer in fact, thousands of tiny bubbles. The vehicle of the beer is a thick, ever-so-slightly chalky holds-

Beer Name: Wham!!
ABV 8.20
Style: American Double / Imperial IPA
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 3.5
Palate: 4
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 3
Reviewer: Grabinski
Review: This was a great 1000bln@ lager on tap. In a variety of locations over a four-day weekend. Great. A solid Schwab offering.Spawned a smallish head that hit my snifter heavy, neck and “thicker” near the edge, while doused in cheap 32oz silicone dimples. Retention was acceptable enough. Colors were hazy golden lager as it warmed. Very mild head. Too light. brown/copper in the face, nose and throat. Licorice, bready, barnyard coming through. A very medicated experience. Good stuff, awesome style that won’t go out of its way to tick your fancy any day..


note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. I have not yet figured out how to train an algorithm to generate me beer photos.

Beer Review:  Boggy Creek

Boggy Creek is a 20% ABV beer that is made by tapping a special bog from the Black River near Michigan

This my weekly column of beer reviews. The goal is to take a beer that I know I love and write about it in the context of my love of beer. This means that if I like the beer, I’m going to write about it. If I don’t, I’m not. I’m also not going to write about the beer I don’t like, so there will be a fair number of beers in this column. I’m going to talk about beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer,


Beer Name:Trevor
ABV 8.00
Style: American Double / Imperial IPA
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4.5
Palate: 4
Taste: 4.5
Overall: 4.5
Reviewer: sholland
Review: The taste is not that bad, but it is not the best representation of the style. It’s a pale orange, which is well-suited to the beer. But then you get a nice tropical flare every now and then at the end, and it just seems like a bit of a outlier. Very refreshing for a summer beer.


Beer Name:Devil’s Due
ABV 8.00
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Appearance: 4.5
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: pwilcox
Review: I was drinking one of the few sipping beers in the city, and thought a sipping beer would have included a look at the beautiful “B” cat.

A: Poured a hazy amber with a thick, off-white head that covered the glass in a thick layer of foam. The head did not last very long, and then quickly fell to a thin film.

S: An explosion of yeast, a powdery yeast, and Belgian Candi sugar inside my mouth.

T: The taste was sweet, but not thin. A good amount of malt, than toasted bread, and yeast. I could tell that the alcohol was not present at all. This was a very sweet beer.

M: A bit thin on the medium side, but I suppose I could drink more than one. D: Very enjoyable beer that I can’t see getting much better from the bottle.


Beer Name:Brooklyn Toronado
ABV 5.00
Style: American Double / Imperial IPA
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: ReubenV
Review: A: pours a hazy hazy copper color with a no real head at all. This pour left over a thin ring of foam that was completely gone in no time.

S: french fries and some nutmeg. Some citrus hops in there as well.

T: a very well balanced pilsner, with almost zero malt in the taste. More of a biscuity flavor as a beer is typically born out of. The malt flavors are obviously present, but the hops are subtle in the taste. Some caramel and a slight pine flavor as well. I get a grassy, grassy malt flavor as well.

M: a nice euro hop flavor that I couldn’t really taste at all. There’s a mild lightness to the taste that is interesting. Overall, I’m a bit disappointed.

D: the beer is a bit shy at best for the style. I’m glad I got to try it.


note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. I have not yet figured out how to train an algorithm to generate me beer photos.

Beer Review:  Vanilla Bean Darkened Cherry Chai

This my weekly column of beer reviews. I try to give you a good taste of what’s out there and why I think it’s worth trying. This week I’m looking at the Glimpse of the Ocean beer from the new brewery in New Bern, NC. While the beer is a bit on the small side, it is a solid brew and well worth a try. I’m always excited to try new beers and so it was no surprise when Glimpse of the Ocean was one of the first beers to come through my door. When the beer arrived it was a bit of a surprise that the bottle was one-half of a double IPA. I’m not a huge fan of IPA’s but I do appreciate a good one so


Beer Name:Alchol
ABV 7.20
Style: American Brown Ale
Appearance: 3.5
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: DinahZAP
Review: Had a beer in a 3-ring bier glass. It was a dark brown color with a white head. It was VERY heavy and solid. Even though the beer contained about 2/3 of a pint. The head was almost a foot thick. The beer was almost falling apart. Most of the dank-ness in the nose was not detectable. There was so much stooppence to the smell I couldn’t smell it. The beer was creamy and smooth. I could feel the core of the beer as the brew became more solid and the head got thicker. The beer had a light taste to it. Overall, the beer was light but not off-putting. I would definately drink it again.


Beer Name:War of the Worlds
ABV 10.00
Style: American Double / Imperial IPA
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: Ithaca
Review: Wow! This was a really great beer. The beer is light in color, with a fairly large, fluffy, white head. This has a nice, sweet aroma of sour grapefruit. Even better, the ale feels a little bit like a sweet caramelly ales. The hop bitterness is quite pronounced with plenty of plum and grapefruit. This is a really good beer


Beer Name:Bitter & Twisted
ABV 8.00
Style: Belgian IPA
Appearance: 5
Aroma: 5
Palate: 5
Taste: 5
Overall: 5
Reviewer: Aromatic
Review: This is the second beer I really enjoyed from a beer company. I saw a few bottles in the Cantillon shop, so I figured I’d pop a few of these out after this. This is the first beer that I’ve tried that doesn’t qualify as a buttload of hops. The funky nose and flavor are not that impressive, but it’s got a lot going on. The spices and citrus juice notes with the hint of hoppy character are still quite present. The body is a bit thin, but it is well blended. Very pleasant and tasty.


note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. I have not yet figured out how to train an algorithm to generate me beer photos.

Beer Review:  Northern Lights Miller Light Edge

This my weekly column of beer reviews. We are currently reviewing 14 beers in this column, ranging from Pilsner to IPA. These beers are all American-style ales, meaning they are brewed with American hops. We are not going to be reviewing an imperial stout, an imperial stout made with coffee, a wild ale, a lager, or a stout with coffee, because, well, they all suck. Instead, we are reviewing American-style ales, as that is what we like. These beers are generally easy drinking, easy to brew, easy to enjoy. The list is not exhaustive, but rather a starting point.
This week, we have a very strong one for you: Anheuser Busch


Beer Name:Aberdeen Porter
ABV 7.80
Style: American Porter
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4.5
Palate: 4
Taste: 4.5
Overall: 4
Reviewer: hellzmack
Review: This is the beer I drink when there’s a beer….gives a pictures


Beer Name:N’Ice Chouffe
ABV 5.00
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 3.5
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: TheMaestro
Review: This beer was definitely better than this, I had no idea this was a strong ale. I poured it in a Louis Vuitton tumbler glass (which was a good idea) and poured into a tulip glass (which was a bad idea). I was surprised that this beer featured such a cloudy nature. It was so dark that you could taste the alcohol but didn’t really know what it was.


Beer Name:Brewer’s Reserve Bourbon Barrel Barleywine
ABV 11.50
Style: Barleywine
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 3.5
Taste: 3
Overall: 3
Reviewer: Scotsman
Review: Got a big fat (but not very large) bottle and poured into a tumbler at a community meeting. Pours a dark pale with a big bevy of carbonation. Smells good, lots of bourbon, some banana and a light bit of dark


note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. I have not yet figured out how to train an algorithm to generate me beer photos.

Beer Review:  Ortega Sulfur (Chocolate)

This my weekly column of beer reviews. If you are a beer geek, you will enjoy this column. If you are a beer snob, you will be in a state of confusion. If you are just a beer drinker, you may not understand what I am talking about. You can read about my review of the new Dogfish Head Sixty-Niner here .

Beer Name:Budweiser
ABV 4.70
Style: Saison
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 3
Palate: 3
Taste: 3
Overall: 4
Reviewer: RedWidow
Review: 12 oz bomber poured into a tulip. Pours a hazy yellow. Smells fish


Beer Name:Gouden Carolus Churchyard Porter
ABV 7.00
Style: German Porter
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: hooligan0478
Review: 12 oz bottle into a large New Belgium longneck glass. It pours a hazy copper, with a mocha head. The nose is dry, and hoppy. A little bit of a vanilla nose. There is a bit of a burnt toast taste to the coffee right from the start. The smoke is more of a nutty flavor, and not something that is something I would call a coffee flavor. It doesn’t have a great mouthfeel. The finish is dry, burning and a bit too much. This is a solid beer to sit alone in a glass. It is worth a try.


Beer Name:Swedish Nettle
ABV 4.70
Style: Session Beer
Appearance: 3
Aroma: 2.5
Palate: 3
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 3.5
Reviewer: rsraoney
Review: This beer looks like a Belgian lager. First off, the color is red, poison green, and has a large head. The head is nice, but the beer is split with a nice white lace, and the head is very tiny. The aroma is grainy and grassy with little nuttiness and light floral notes. The taste is sweet and malty, with a small, but large amount of grainy aftertaste. The mouthfeel is smooth, but the beer is thin and watery. Overall, this is a bad beer.



note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated via a machine learning algorithm. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. I have not yet figured out how to train an algorithm to generate me beer photos.

Beer Review:  The ADK Ales by Kinetik

This my weekly column of beer reviews. You may have seen the little red flag above. That is the flag of an upcoming review. This week, I’m reviewing a beer that I’ve had several times, but never reviewed. The beer is My Favorite Thing From The Beer Store (MFTT). My Favorite Thing From The Beer Store is a 5.5% Belgian Strong Dark Ale brewed by Goose Island. It’s a very different beer than the beer I’ve reviewed previously, but a good one. I’ll do my best to give it the full review treatment.


Beer Name:Union Farm Pale Ale
ABV 5.20
Style: American Pale Ale (APA)
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4.5
Palate: 4
Taste: 4
Overall: 4
Reviewer: BeerAdvocate
Review: 18oz brown bottle with a black label that has a picture of “Your Friend” underneath it all the time. Pours a nice amber with some carbonation. Lacing is good on this one. Smells a bit like a funky farm-beer. There’s some malty aroma but also some fruit like a spiced ginger ale. This flossy hop profile is there but not dominating. A bit of spice and zestyness are present


Beer Name:Let’s Get It!
ABV 12.00
Style: American Psycho
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 3.5
Taste: 3.5
Overall: 4
Reviewer: Haddock
Review: You can tell this was the same beer that I had last night. I couldnt get any head on this beer, and I couldn’t get any lacing anywhere. The beer looks like a NON-tasted (at least from the bottle I had) beer, the head was somewhat thin and watery and only stuck around a little longer. The aroma was a definite hint of drugs, which I would expect from a strong beer that I had never had before. The taste was a bit oily, but also very sweet. The alcohol and the sweet beer really stopped me from enjoying it. The alcohol was noticable as I went down, and I could feel it. I like my beers to be a little on the watery side, but this one wasn’t much different compared to a sample bottle. The beer was a bit thin and much watery, and I don’t have a problem with it. I would recommend it to you guys however, I really enjoyed it, but I don’t know if you guys would enjoy it either.


Beer Name:Verche
ABV 5.00
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Appearance: 4
Aroma: 4
Palate: 3.5
Taste: 3
Overall: 3
Reviewer: Permafrost
Review: Pours a cloudy mahogany with no head, no lace. What little head there is is a little much, with some bubbly bubbles. The nose is strong and fruity



note: If you couldn’t tell, this stuff is AI-generated. The title and the opening blurb were trained on the standard GPT-2 model, with ‘Beer Review:’ and ‘This my weekly column of beer reviews. ‘ given as prompts. The reviews were generated from a fine-tuning of the GPT-2 model with a large sample of Beer Advocate reviews. I selected from the saved samples of these and put this post together. I have not yet figured out how to train an algorithm to generate me beer photos.